
Georg Friedrich Händel



in Egitto

Dramma per musica in drei Akten

Text Nicola Francesco Haym

by Giacomo Francesco Bussani

Saturday 6. July 2024 18:30 – 22:30 One intermission Main Stage
30 Minuten vor der Vorstellung
im Gustav Mahler-Saal

Cast at
6. July 2024


Federica Spatola


Luca Vianello


Les Musiciens du Prince-Monaco


Chœur de l'Opéra de Monte-Carlo

Musikalische Leitung

Gianluca Capuano


David Livermore


Giò Forma


Marianna Fracasso


Antonio Castro




Aida Bousselma

About the Production

Short Summary

Cesare pursues the defeated Pompeo to Alexandria. To make amends with Cesare, Tolomeo, Cleopatra's brother, has Pompeo executed. But Cesare condemns the cruel act and Pompeo's son Sesto swears revenge. When Cleopatra tries to secure Cesare's support against her power-hungry brother, he falls in love with her. But Tolomeo has his sister imprisoned and wants to have Cesare taken prisoner. Cesare manages to escape and free Cleopatra. After Tolomeo is murdered by Sesto, Cesare crowns Cleopatra queen of Egypt.



in Egitto


Cesare pursues Pompeo after defeating him at Pharsalos in Greece and is cheered by the Egyptian population on his arrival in the port of Alexandria. At the request of Pompeo's wife Cornelia and his son Sesto, he agrees to show mercy to the loser when General Achilla, Tolomeo's advisor, arrives. To show his master's good will towards Cesare, he presents him with Pompeo's severed head. Cornelia faints and the horrified Cesare condemns Tolomeo's cruelty in front of Achilla. The desperate Cornelia is supported by Sesto, who announces that he will avenge his father's death.

In her chambers, Cleopatra learns from Nireno that Pompeo is dead and how Cesare has reacted to this. She decides to seek him out in order to win him as an ally against her brother Tolomeo.

Achilla suggests that Tolomeo kill Cesare and asks Cornelia to marry him.

In his camp, Cesare ponders over the ashes of Pompeo. The tribune Curio announces the arrival of Lydia (Cleopatra in the guise of a servant). She asks Cesare for help against Tolomeo, who is stealing from her mistress Cleopatra. Overwhelmed by her beauty, Cesare promises to help her. Cornelia appears and declares her desire to avenge Pompeo. Sesto interrupts his mother: he will take his revenge. Lydia (Cleopatra) offers her help.

Tolomeo greets Cesare very politely, but Cesare distrusts him. Achilla introduces Cornelia and Sesto; Tolomeo has them arrested. Achilla offers Cornelia his help in exchange for her love, but is refused. She is taken to the harem and Sesto to prison.

Lydia (Cleopatra) has provided entertainment to seduce Cesare. She appears disguised as Virtue... Cesare is enchanted and asks her to meet him. In the garden of the harem, Cornelia laments her predicament but refuses to give in to Achilla's repeated advances. She complains about his persistence to Tolomeo, who in turn tries to seduce her. She has suicidal thoughts, but Sesto prevents her from doing so and vows to kill Tolomeo.

Lydia (Cleopatra) is waiting for Cesare at the fountain. He comes and speaks to her of love. Curio suddenly intrudes; Tolomeo's men surround Cesare. Cleopatra reveals her identity and tries in vain to stop her brother's men. She implores Cesare to flee. At first he refuses, but then he hurries off with Curio. The abandoned Cleopatra mourns her misfortune.

Achilla informs Tolomeo that Cesare and Curio have escaped by throwing themselves into the harbor and drowning, and that Cleopatra has made common cause with the Romans. Since Cesare is dead, he demands Cornelia's hand again. Tolomeo refuses. In his rage, Achilla decides to join forces with Cleopatra. In a forest near Alexandria, Cleopatra's warriors are defeated by Tolomeo's army. Cleopatra is imprisoned by her brother and gives free rein to her grief; Cornelia and Sesto are in Tolomeo's power and Cesare is probably dead.

Cesare regains consciousness on the riverbank. Sesto and Nireno search for Tolomeo and find Achilla, who is mortally wounded. Before his death, he confesses that he murdered Pompeo and wanted to murder Cesare. He also reveals how he had turned against Tolomeo when he refused Cornelia's hand in marriage. He gives Sesto a seal with which his men are to recognize him and let him into the palace so that he can kill the tyrant.

Cesare appears, seizes the seal and reveals himself. Together with Nireno, he sets off to rescue Cleopatra. Sesto gains hope as his revenge comes within reach. The imprisoned Cleopatra begs her followers to flee before Tolomeo can kill her. When she hears the sound of weapons, Cleopatra believes that her end is near. But it is Cesare who enters, sword in hand. The freed Cleopatra puts on her armor. Cornelia, beset by Tolomeo, tries to escape. Sesto suddenly appears and kills the tyrant with his father's sword.

Preparations are being made in the port of Alexandria for the triumphant victory celebration of Cesare and Cleopatra. Cesare rewards his allies and crowns Cleopatra with the Egyptian crown. The Egyptians rejoice with them because peace has been restored.

In Davide Livermore's production and under Gianluca Capuano's musical direction, a sparkling ensemble presents this opera, which was celebrated at its premiere in London's King's Theatre in 1724. This opera has not been performed at the Haus am Ring for almost 65 years - a unique opportunity to experience this baroque jewel in an extraordinary production at the State Opera.

© Marco Borrelli
© Marco Borrelli
© Marco Borrelli
© Marco Borrelli
© Marco Borrelli
© Marco Borrelli
© Marco Borrelli
© Marco Borrelli
© Marco Borrelli
© Marco Borrelli


Tickets for our standing room can be purchased online or at the Bundestheater box office from 10 am on the day of the performance. BundestheaterCard holders can book standing room tickets online the day before the performance.

In addition, a fixed contingent of standing room tickets is available for regular evening performances from 80 minutes before the start of the performance at our standing room box office (Operngasse entrance).

Our operas are sung in the original languages - these vary depending on the work.

At each seat, subtitles in different languages can be switched on or off via a separate subtitle screen. In addition to the original language of the opera, you can choose from up to eight languages: German, English, Italian, French, Russian, Japanese, Spanish, Chinese (Mandarin).

In the event of a change of performance, you can of course return or exchange your tickets.

As changes to the cast cannot be ruled out due to illnesses or other hindrances of artists, there is no entitlement to a refund of the ticket price or exchange in this case.

Tickets cannot be returned or exchanged if you are not admitted to the auditorium due to being late (even after the interval).

About Your Visit


The cloakrooms are located next the the entrances at the Operngasse. You can find additional cloakrooms on the left and right side of the balcony and the gallery and in the boxes. All cloakrooms are free of charge.

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Entry to the auditorium is not allowed after the performance has started. This also applied after the break.

Food and Drink

Our gastronomy opens at the same time entry is permitted. You can enjoy some snacks and drinks before the performance starts or you can book a table for the break.

Practical Information

You can find more practical information regarding your visit (e.g. Dresscode, barrier-free-access, …) here.


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