Wolfgang Koch

© Michael Duerr

Wolfgang Koch is one of the leading dramatic baritones in the world of opera. His repertoire covers the great baritone roles of the German and Italian Fächer. He has sung Wotan/The Wanderer (»Ring«) at both the Bayreuth Festival and in Munich under Kirill Petrenko, and Amfortas and Klingsor in Berlin, Munich, Hamburg and the Salzburg Easter Festival. He débuted at the Metropolitan Opera in 2019 as Scarpia (»Tosca«). His most important roles also include Barak (»Die Frau ohne Schatten«), which he has sung as guest in Vienna, Munich, Hamburg and at the Salzburg Festival. He was a great success as Michele in Puccini’s »Il trittico« at the Bavarian State Opera. His diversified repertoire also includes the Dutchman (»Der fliegende Holländer«), Kurwenal (»Tristan und Isolde«), Mandryka (»Arabella«), the Count (»Capriccio«), the title roles in »Mathis der Maler« and »Lear«, Borromeo and Morone (»Palestrina«) and Busoni’s »Doktor Faust«. Besides the above houses, Wolfgang Koch has also appeared at the Opéra national de Paris, Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Frankfurt Opera, the Theater an der Wien and in Tokyo. His schedule for the 2020/21 season includes »Die Frau ohne Schatten« (Barak), »Die Vögel« (Prometheus), »Falstaff« (the title role), »Il tabarro« (Michele), »Tristan und Isolde« (Kurwenal) and »Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg« (Hans Sachs) at the Bavarian State Opera, Munich, »Die Frau ohne Schatten« at Berlin State Oper and »Capriccio« (the Count) at the Opéra national de Paris. In the 2019/20 season, he sang Jochanaan (»Salome«) under Kirill Petrenko, Telramund (»Lohengrin«) in Munich and Hamburg, and Don Pizarro (»Fidelio«) in Zurich.  Besides opera, Wolfgang Koch is a regular guest at the world’s leading concert halls. There are numerous CD and DVD recordings. Besides Barak, he has also sung Danton, Hans Sachs, Telramund and Jochanaan at the Wiener Staatsoper.