Rebecca Horner

© Andreas Jakwerth

The Viennese Rebecca Horner started her education at the age of four at the Performing Center Austria, where she was casted for a main part in a TV movie in 1995. More films and appearances at the ORF followed. Afterwards she studied at the Ballettschule der Vienna State Operaand joined the Ballett der Vienna State Operaund Volksoper in 2007. After her maternity leave, she rejoined the Vienna State Ballet in 2012. 2015 she was promoted to demi-soloist, 2017 she was appointed soloist.

Her repertoire comprises Potiphars Weib in John Neumeier's »Josephs Legende« and the main role in Neumeier’s »Le Sacre«, Bluebeard's mother in Stephan Thoss' »Bluebeard's secret«, Maria Theresia in Patrick de Bana’s »Marie Antoinette«, countess Sibylle in Rudolf Nureyev’s »Raymonda«, Spanish dancer in Nureyev's »Swan Lake«, Pas de deux »Out of Tango« and princess Budur in »Tausendundeine Nacht« by Vesna Orlić, Pas de deux in Boris Nebyla's »L'après midi d'un faune«, mother duck in Andrey Kaydanovskiy's »The ugly Duckling«, Myrtha in Elena Tschernischova’s »Giselle«, queen Mab in Davide Bombana’s »Roméo et Juliette«, woman in green in Edward Clug’s »Peer Gynt« main roles in Vesna Orlić's »Carmina Burana«, Ben van Cauwenbergh's »Tanzhommage an Queen«, Jirí Kylián's »Bella Figura«, William Forsythe's »The Second Detail”, Alexander Ekman's »Cacti«, Edwaard Liang’s »Murmuration«, Wayne McGregor’s »EDEN|EDEN«, Alexei Ratmansky's »Pictures at an Exhibition« and »24 Préludes« and works by Martin Schläpfer. She has created roles in numerous world premieres, such as Eno Peci's »Petrushka«, Andrey Kaydanovskiy's »The Firebird« and »lux umbra«, Pontus Lidberg's »Between Dogs and Wolves« and Marco Goecke's »Fly Paper Bird«.

Her awards and honours include »Goldener Roy« (1997), Promotion Prize of the Ballettclub Wiener Staatsoper & Volksoper (2015), nomination as »Best dancer of the year« (magazine tanz) and for the »Leading Ladies Award« (category »Culture« (magazine Madonna, 2015). On 19 May 2019 the Fanny-Elßler-Ring was passed on to Rebecca Horner. There she was presenting the solo »Seit ich ihn gesehen« which was created for her by Andrey Kaydanovskiy.

Performances with Rebecca Horner