Marie Ryba

© Andreas Jakwerth

Marie Ryba was born in Vienna. She received her training in ballet and jazz dance at the Performing Center Austria from 2009 to 2013, afterwards she attended the Ballet Academy of the Vienna State Opera. After graduating in 2021, she became a member of the Youth Company of the Vienna State Opera Ballet Academy. In addition, she took part in summer courses with Alice Necsea and at the Ateneo della Danza in Siena, for which she received a scholarship at the VIBE Vienna ballet competition in 2016. She won a 2nd prize at the European Ballet Grand Prix Vienna (EBGP) in 2017 and a 3rd prize in 2019. From the 2023/24 season Marie Ryba has been a member of the Corps de ballet of the Vienna State Ballet.
Her previous stage experience includes performances in the Matinees of the Ballet Academy of the Vienna State Opera – among others Martin Schläpfer’s Jamie (2022 and 2023) – as well as in productions of the Vienna State Ballet such as Chicken in Frederick Ashton’s La Fille mal gardée and further roles in Manuel Legrisʼ Le Corsaire, Rudolf Nureyev’s Swan Lake, Elena Tchernichova’s Giselle and George Balanchine’s Symphony in C. Moreover, she performed in the operas Aida, Capriccio, L’Orfeo, Guillaume Tell and in the operetta Die Fledermaus at the Vienna State Opera. At the Vienna Volksoper she appeared in Martin Schläpferʼs Drittes Klavierkonzert, Karole Armitageʼs Ligeti Essays, Lotte de Beerʼs & Andrey Kaydanovskiyʼs Jolanthe and the Nutcracker as well as in Anatevka.

Performances with Marie Ryba