Margaret Plummer

© Golden Hour Pictures

Mezzo-soprano Margaret Plummer completed her voice studies at the Australian National University School of Music (jazz vocal) and Sydney Conservatorium of Music. Winner of several operatic vocal competitions, she attended the Hochschule Hannover in 2005. She was a member of the Opera Australia chorus before embarking on a solo career, with performances at Opera Australia, Pinchgut Opera, Pacific Opera and OzOpera, among other houses. Roles included Dorabella (»Così fan tutte«) at Pacific Opera and Hansel with the OzOpera School’s Company. At Opera Australia she sang in »Dido and Aeneas«, »Der Rosenkavalier and »Le nozze di Figaro«. She sang the Witch in »Hansel and Gretel« with the Sydney Symphony, Charlotte in »Werther« at the Lyric Opera of Melbourne, and Phoebe in »Castor et Pollux« at Pinchgut Opera. Margaret Plummer débuted at the Wiener Staatsoper as Tebaldo in »Don Carlo« and went on to sing roles including Hansel, Bersi (»Andrea Chénier«), Meg Page (»Falstaff«), Tisbe (»La cenerentola«), Mercédès (»Carmen«), Giovanna (»Rigoletto«), Kitchen Boy (»Rusalka«), Fyodor (»Boris Godunov«), La Haine (»Armide«) and Varvara (»Kátja Kabanová«). _blank