Marcus Pelz

© Daniel Schaffer

Marcus Pelz was born in Stuttgart, and studied solo voice, Lieder and oratorio, classical operetta and old music at Vienna’s University of Music and Performing Arts, graduating from the Opera School. His first engagements were at the Landestheater St Pölten, Wiener Kammeroper (1995-1997) and Neue Oper Wien, which were the stepping stones to his engagement at the Wiener Staatsoper, where he has been an ensemble member since 1999. Guest engagements included the title role in »Wozzeck« at the Teatro Avenida in Buenos Aires and »Der Rosenkavalier« at Florence’s Maggio Musicale. His repertoire at the Wiener Staatsoper includes over a hundred roles, among them Schlémil (»The Tales of Hoffmann«), Grégorio (»Roméo et Juliette«), Schaunard (»La Bohème«), Notary and Police Commissioner (»Der Rosenkavalier«), Kothner and Konrad Nachtigall (»The Mastersingers of Nuremberg«), Speaker and Second Priest (»The Magic Flute«), Antonio (»Le nozze di Figaro«), Phorbas (»Oedipe«), Angelotti (»Tosca«), Hortensius (»La Fille du régiment«), Donald (»Billy Budd«), Gualtiero Raleigh (»Roberto Devereux«), Alessio (»La sonnambula«), Masetto (»Don Giovanni«), Haly (»L’italiana in Algeri«), Johann (»Werther«), Foreman (»Jenůfa«) and Zaretski (»Eugene Onegin«). He is particularly popular with the young public for his performances in the Wiener Staatsoper’s Opera for Children programme. _blank