Malin Byström

© Peter Knutson

Swedish soprano Malin Byström was heard as Minnie in La fanciulla del West at the Bavarian State Opera and as Salome at the Royal Opera House in the fall of 2022. This winter she will sing Tosca at the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden in London, followed by the new production of Salome at the Vienna State Opera. Later this season she will also be heard as Tosca in Stockholm and as Rusalka (role debut) at the Bergen National Opera. Most recently, she sang Tosca at De Nationale Opera in Amsterdam and at the Stuttgart State Opera, as well as Minnie in Stockholm. In the 2020/21 season, her roles included Tosca at Deutsche Oper Berlin and in Stockholm, and Salome at the Bolshoi. Malin Byström is a frequent guest at London's Royal Opera House, where she has sung Salome, Donna Anna (Don Giovanni), Mathilde (Guillaume Tell), Hélène (Les Vêpres Siciliennes), Elettra (Idomeneo), Marguerite (Faust), Fiordiligi (Così fan tutte) and Amalia (I Masnadieri), among others. At the Metropolitan Opera in New York she was heard as Donna Elvira and Donna Anna (Don Giovanni), in the title role of Arabella and as Marguerite. In addition to the aforementioned roles, she also sang Countess Madeleine (Capriccio), Jenůfa, Marschallin (Rosenkavalier), Fedora, Desdemona (Otello), Romilda (Serse), Thaïs, Countess (Le nozze di Figaro), Amelia (Simon Boccanegra), among others. Performances have taken her to the Teatro Real in Madrid, the San Francisco Opera, the Salzburg Festival, Valencia, the Aix-en-Provence Festival and many other central venues of international musical theater. Her previous engagements include Hélène at the Grand Théâtre de Genève, Fiordiligi in Lyon, Hanna Glawary in Die lustige Witwe in Montpellier, Marguerite at Gothenburg Opera and Agathe in Der Freischütz in Bregenz.

Malin Byström studied at the Stockholm School of Opera. In 2016 she was awarded the Medaille Litteris et Artibus and in 2018 she was appointed Swedish Court Singer. The 2018 International Opera Awards named her »Singer of the Year« for her Salome (in Amsterdam). She made her debut at the Vienna State Opera in 2020 as Elisabeth de Valois in the French version of Don Carlos.