Georg Zeppenfeld

© Matthias Creutziger

Bass Georg Zeppenfeld initially trained as a teacher specialising in music and German. He studied concert and opera in parallel at Detmold University of Music and the Hochschule für Musik und Tanz, Cologne, ultimately with Hans Sotin. After full-time contracts at Münster and Bonn he was engaged in 2001 by the Sächsische Staatsoper Dresden, which is still his artistic base. He has also performed as a guest at almost all the leading opera houses of Europe and the United States, and the world’s leading concert venues. His repertoire includes Figaro and Bartolo (Le nozze di Figaro), Don Alfonso (Così fan tutte), Rocco (Fidelio), Kaspar (Der Freischütz), König Karl (Fierrabras), Raimondo (Lucia di Lammermoor), Zaccaria (Nabucco), Banco (Macbeth), Sparafucile (Rigoletto), Padre Guardiano (Forza del destino), Filippo II (Don Carlo), Daland (Der fliegende Holländer), Landgraf Herrmann (Tannhäuser), König Heinrich (Lohengrin), King Marke (Tristan und Isolde), Fasolt (Das Rheingold), Hunding (Die Walküre), Gurnemanz (Parsifal), Veit Pogner and Hans Sachs (The Mastersingers of Nuremberg), Baculus (Wildschütz), Gremin (Eugene Onegin), the Waterman (Rusalka), Arkel (Pelléas et Mélisande), Pimen (Boris Godunov), Peneios (Daphne) and La Roche (Capriccio). A key role is Sarastro (The Magic Flute) which he has performed with great success not only at the Semperoper, but also at the San Francisco Opera, Metropolitan Opera, the Salzburg Festival (under Nikolaus Harnoncourt), Royal Opera House Covent Garden, Zurich Opera and the Bavarian State Opera. He has been a regular guest in the great bass roles at the Bayreuth Festival since 2010. His highly acclaimed début in the role of Hans Sachs in The Mastersingers of Nuremberg at the 2019 Salzburg Easter Festival under Christian Thielemann marked a new high point in the ultimate role in the bass repertoire. Georg Zeppenfeld has a particular love for concert performances. He was awarded the professional status of Kammersänger at the Sächsische Staatsoper Dresden in 2015.