Cheryl Therrien

© N.N.

Cheryl Therrien was born in New Hampshire, USA. After graduating from SUNY Purchase New York with a Bachelor of Fine Arts, she worked with several New York-based choreographers before joining Merce Cunningham’s Dance Company in 1993. During her ten years with the ensemble, she danced over fifty works by the American choreographer and began teaching Cunningham technique. After leaving the company she performed with the Irish Modern Dance Theatre. She teaches master classes and workshops in the USA and Europe, including the New York University, the Stanford University, the CNSMD in Paris and Lyon, the Ballet Preljocaj, Le Ballet de l’Opera de Lyon, DCA – Philippe Decouflé and the Random Dance Company. On behalf of the Merce Cunningham Trust she stages the choreographer’s work with various compagnies around the world and teaches Cunningham’s art and technique in classes and workshops. In the 2024/25 season, she will be responsible for the restaging of Cunningham’s Summerspace at the Vienna State Ballet.