Cecilia Molinari

© Wiener Staatsoper

The Italian mezzo-soprano Cecilia Molinari first studied flute then voice at the Conservatory of Padua, alongside which she also completed a medical degree. In 2015 she became a member of the Rossini Festival in Pesaro, where she continued to perfect herself under Alberto Zedda. Recent successes include the title role in La cenerentola in Amsterdam, Annio (Le clemenza di Tito) at the Opéra Royal de Wallonie, Cherubino (Le nozze di Figaro) at the Palau de les Arts in Valencia, Marchesa Melibea (Il viaggio a Reims) at the Bolshoi and at the Opera in Rome. She has also sung Rosina in Bologna, Siveno (Demetrio e Polibio) in Pesaro and Maffio Orsini (Lucrezia Borgia) in Trieste and Budapest. Cecilia Molinari is also a celebrated concert singer - as such she interpreted Rossini's Stabat Mater in Lima, Rossini's Petite Messe Solennelle in Madrid and in Pesaro, among others. In addition to Rossini, her repertoire also includes important works by Mozart, Bellini and Donizetti. Most recently she sang Dorabella (Così fan tutte) at the Semperoper in Dresden, Smeton (Anna Bolena) in Amsterdam, Rossini's Petite Messe Solennelle and Debussy's La Damoiselle élue in Bari, and Sefano Landi's La morte di Orfeo in Amsterdam. Future engagements will take her to Geneva, Rome, Seville and Amsterdam, among others.